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Pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and other related regulations (hereinafter: Regulations), the Company Galaxy Travel d.o.o. adopts the following:




GALAXY TRAVEL Ltd., a company established under the Croatian law, based in Split, Ulica kralja Zvonimira 101, OIB: 19969808813 (hereinafter: Galaxy Travel) shall be obliged to comply with and enforce the Regulations, as follows:


1. The basic terms of the Regulations

  1. Controller - means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes, conditions and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union law or Member States law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be foreseen by Union or Member States law;
  2. Processing - means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, synchronization or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;
  3. Personal data - means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person or (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;
  4. Processor - means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.
  5. Third Party - means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorised to process personal data;
  6. Recipient – means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the personal data are disclosed, whether a third party or not. However, public authorities which may receive personal data in the framework of a particular inquiry in accordance with Union or Member State law shall not be regarded as recipients; the processing of those data by those public authorities shall be in compliance with the applicable data protection rules according to the purposes of the processing.


2. Principles relating to processing of personal data

Galaxy Travel, as a Controller or a Processor of personal data, shall be obliged to adjust the technical and organizational processes in order to deal with personal data with special care by collecting, storing and processing personal data according to the following principles:

  • lawfulness, fairness and transparency of processing: the processing shall be performed in accordance with a certain legal basis, and the principles of fair and transparent processing require that the data subject be informed of the existence of the processing operation and its purposes, the controller shall provide the data subject with any further information necessary to ensure fair and transparent processing taking into account the specific circumstances and context in which the personal data are processed, furthermore, the data subject should be informed of the existence of profiling and the consequences of such profiling;
  • purpose limitation: the data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; however, further processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes shall be allowed;
  • data minimisation: the data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
  • data are is accurate and up-to-date: the data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay;
  • storage limitation: the data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed; personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes subject to implementation of the appropriate protection measures provided for in the Regulation;
  • integrity and confidentiality: meaning that the data shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage;
  • accountability: the controller shall be responsible for, and be able to demonstrate compliance with the principles.

Galaxy Travel procedures in accordance with this Privacy Notice shall apply to all natural and legal persons who disclose or make available any kind of personal data to us (employees, external clients, business associates and any other third party).


3. Lawfulness of processing and legal basis

Galaxy Travel, as Controller or Processor shall lawfully process personal data on the following basis:

  • the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes
  • processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party
  • for the purpose of a legal obligation to which the controller is subject
  • protection of the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person
  • for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller
  • for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party.

The legal basis for the processing of data shall be determined in accordance with the Union law or the law of the Member States to which Galaxy travel is subject.


4. The purpose of the processing

Personal data shall be collected for the purpose of meeting the legal obligations of Galaxy Travel and fulfilling the operation of the business in accordance with the company's valid registration.

Data shall be collected for the use and management of human resources, including monitoring the quality of professional work, exercising the rights and obligations from employment, as well as rights and obligations based on service of travel agency and other official or business purposes.

The data collected shall be appropriate and relevant and only in the amount necessary to achieve the purpose of processing personal data.


5. Category of persons to whom the data relate

Data collections relate primarily to all persons who have entered into employment contracts directly with Galaxy Travel as an employer (fixed-term employment contract, permanent work contract, service contract, etc. ), as well as all persons who, as clients , are using the services of Galaxy Travel.

With prior consent, personal data may be collected, processed and further used for all clients who are using travel services of Galaxy Travel or any other services relating to the legal activity of Galaxy Travel.

These persons shall have the right to withdraw their consent at any time and to request the cessation of further processing and retention of their data, except for the processing and retention of data according to the purposes and deadlines laid down by law.

The Collections shall also apply to all other external clients and business associates, as well as other third parties as referred to in point 5 of this Privacy Notice and the Regulations.


6. Data categories and collections

Galaxy Travel shall as the Controller or the Processor process the following categories of personal data:

  • employee’s personal information
  • external clients’ personal information
  • business partners’/associates’/third parties’ personal information.

Pursuant to the Regulations, Galaxy Travel shall establish and keep collections of personal data as well as records containing basic information about the collection.

Name of the data collection:

  • Collection of employees’ personal data
  • Collection of employees’ salaries and accounts
  • Collection of external clients
  • Collection of business associates and third parties

Data collections may be added, modified and deleted depending on business needs, in accordance with the Regulations.


7. Method of collecting and storing data

Galaxy Travel Management shall appoint persons responsible for the protection of personal data / officer / as well as a decision on persons, other than the employer, authorized to supervise, collect, process, use and submit personal data. The data of the aforementioned persons shall be available on the notice board and on the website of Galaxy Travel.

Prior to collecting any personal data, Galaxy Travel employees shall inform the data subject on the identity of the Controller or the Processor, the purpose of the processing and the legal basis for the processing.

Personal data shall be collected directly from the data subject either verbally or in writing, as well as in other legitimate ways.

In order to avoid unauthorized access to personal data, data in a written form (Personal Data Collections) are stored in registers, in locked rooms or cabinets with restricted accesses, and data on computers is protected by assigning individual username and password known to employee who process this data and are for further security and confidentiality stored on a server that is protected by adequate IT and technical protection.

Destruction of personal documentation shall be carried out with special care (cutting, shredding, etc.).


8. The time period for storage and use of data

Keeping of employees’ records / collections shall begin on the day of employment, and ceases on the day of termination of employment. Employee data is a documentation of enduring value that is kept on the basis of legal regulations, including special rules for keeping archives and records with document retention deadlines.

The records/collections of other external clients and business associates, as well as third parties, shall be kept from the moment the contractual or other business relationship is established and cease to be kept upon the completion of the purpose for which the data was collected, , agreement expiration between the parties hereto or its termination i.e or upon the specific written requests of the aforementioned persons. The data on the aforementioned persons under this paragraph which present a documentation of enduring value that is kept on the basis of legal regulations, shall be kept in accordance with special legal regulations, including on the basis of special rules for keeping archives and records with document retention deadlines.


9. Providing personal data to other users

Personal data contained in the Collections shall be submitted to other users if necessary for the purpose of performing business within the framework of legal regulations, consents, contractual or other business relationships in accordance with the legally established activity of Galaxy Travel and other users, all in accordance with the Regulations, Galaxy Travel Data Protection Policy, this Privacy Notice, and other acts of Galaxy travel.

A special record on personal data submitted to other users, on other users and the purpose for which the data is collected shall be kept.


10. Personal Data Protection Measures

Galaxy Travel shall, as the Controller or the Processor process personal data in a manner guaranteeing the security of personal data, protecting it from unauthorized access, illegal processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Galaxy Travel shall carry out all the above mentioned according to organizational and technical measures.

Galaxy Travel shall, as the Controller or the Processor, carry out the following IT, organizational and technical measures regarding:

  • the protection of the system against internal and external risks
  • the protection against unauthorised access
  • the protection of data in physical form
  • minimization of processing, pseudonymization
  • provision of rules – data protection policy
  • the data owner's responsibility
  • periodical training of staff.

Galaxy Travel staff that process personal data shall comply with the technical and organizational data protection measures necessary to protect personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, Galaxy travel Data Protection Policy, this Privacy Notice and other acts of Galaxy travel.


11. Obligations of the Controller or the Processor:

Galaxy Travel as the Controller or as the Processor, shall within 30 days of the submission of the request at the latest, to each data subject at their request, or the request of their legal representatives or proxies:

  • issue copies of their personal data processed, without charging the costs for the first copy (compliance with the principle of fairness and transparency and the right of the data subject to access data),
  • correct inaccurate personal data pertaining to the data subject (compliance with the principle of timeliness and accuracy and with the right of the data subject to rectify their data)
  • delete personal information in one of the above mentioned cases (compliance with the principle of storage limitation and the right of the data subject to have their data erased (right to be forgotten))
  • delete the personal data of the data subject from the internet and any links containing these personal data, copy or reconstruction (compliance with the principle of storage limitation and the right of the data subject to the limitation of processing)
  • restrict processing of personal information in one of the above mentioned cases (compliance with the principle of storage limitation and the right of the data subject to limitation of processing)
  • transfer the data subject’s personal data to the other Controller in a structured, machine-readable form (USB, CD, e-mail), if the data subject requests it after the termination of the contract with the Controller (compliance with the right of the data subject to data transfer)
  • warn or facilitate the submission of complaint by the data subject, if the data subject (potential buyer) is first contacted for the purpose of offering products or services for direct marketing purposes, the data is processed on the basis of legitimate interest (compliance with the principle of transparency and the right of the data subject to the complaint)
  • authorize the person in charge of receiving the requests of the data subjects and managing the request resolution process (if a personal data protection officer has not been appointed)
  • provide a method for the data subject to object the decision of the Controller based on the profile and implement the protective measures specified.


12. Rights of the data subject

  • the right to be informed - the data subject has the right to know which data will be collected, why, who will collect the data, for what purpose and where will the data be transferred,
  • the right to access - the data subject may request to see which information about the data subject is available to the Controller,
  • the right to correction - the data subject may request the correction of data in case they consider the data incorrect,
  • the right to erasure - the data subject may request the erasure of data if it is no longer required, except where there is a legal basis for refusing to delete the data,
  • the right to restriction of processing - the data subject has the right to request the pause of data processing if there are reasons to do so,
  • the right to portability of (a part of) the data - the data subject has the right to request from the Controller to submit their personal data on the portable medium in order to transfer them to the other Controller,
  • the right to object - the data subject has the right to stop data processing,
  • the right for the automated individual decision-making, including profiling, not be applied to the data subject.

The data subject will be informed of any processing of personal data as to how personal data relating to them are collected, used, disclosed or otherwise processed and to the extent to which these personal data are processed or will be processed.

Any information and communication related to the processing of personal data shall be easily accessible and understandable to the data subject as it shall provide information written in a clear and simple language.

The data subject shall be acquainted with the identity of the Controller and the purpose of processing on the web site or in the premises of the head office / business premises of the Controller.

Galaxy Travel shall inform the data subject of the risks, rules, protective measures and rights relating to the processing of personal data and the manner in which they may exercises the rights in relation to the processing of the data through the web site or in the premises of the head office / business premises in which they perform their the activity.

For all information regarding the Regulation the data subject can contact Galaxy Travel appointed Data Protection Officer Ms. Maja Unković Boko, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


13. The Legal Value of the Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice is a general act of Galaxy Travel, with all documents necessary for compliance of processing of personal data with respect to the entire business process, as well as relations with other Controllers, Processors and technical services (whether internal or external), being an integral part of this Declaration.

Place and date:

Split, 1 May 2018



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The combination of travel services offered to you is a package within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302.

Therefore, you will benefit from all EU rights applying to packages. Company „Galaxy travel Ltd.“, Split, Ulica kralja Zvonimira 101 will be fully responsible for the proper performance of the package as a whole.

Additionally, as required by law, company „Galaxy travel Ltd."., Split, Ulica kralja Zvonimira 101, has protection in place to refund your payments and, where transport is included in the package, to ensure your repatriation in the event that it becomes insolvent.

Key rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2302

  • Travellers will receive all the essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract.
  • There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract.
  • Travellers are given an emergency telephone number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or the travel agent.
  • Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs.
  • The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8 % of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs.
  • Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate.
  • Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance, if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package.
  • Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee.
  • If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem.
  • Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation for damages where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed.
  • The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty.
  • If the organiser or, in some Member States, the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured. „Galaxy travel d.o.o.", Split, Ulica kralja Zvonimira 101 has taken out insolvency protection with the insurance company "GENERALI OSIGURANJE D.D.", Slavonska Avenija 1B, 10000 Zagreb (Liability police no. P15 – 1020000972 valid from 31.01.2024.)

Travellers may contact this entity "GENERALI OSIGURANJE D.D.", Slavonska Avenija 1B, 10000 Zagreb, tel: : +385 (0) 1 / 46 00 400, fax: +385 (0) / 1 46 00 600, e-mail: ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or, where applicable, the competent authority (Ministry of Tourism and Sport – Prisavlje 14, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel: +385 1 6169 243) if services are denied because of „Galaxy travel d.o.o“,  Split,Ulica kralja Zvonimira 101 insolvency. 

Link to Directive (EU) 2015/2302 and Act on Providing Services in Tourism.


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In accordance with Article 6 of the Law for Providing Services in Tourism Industry (NN 130/17) and Article 10 of the Consumer Protection Act (NN 41/14, 110/15), we would like to inform our customers that customer complaint on the quality of our services or products may be submitted:

  •  directly at the Agency
  •  via mail to the following address: Ulica kralja Zvonimira 101, 21000 Split, Croatia
  •  via following fax number: +385 21 571 533 
  •  via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The customer is obliged to cooperate with the Agency in good faith to remove the causes of the complaint and to provide all relevant documentation needed for resolving the complaint.

When filing the complaint in writing, please provide the following information:

  • first name and last name of the customer 
  • customer’s address
  • customer’s telephone

We guarantee that all personal information provided in the complaint will be archived according to the General Data Protection Regulation and will not be used for any other purposes.

The response to your complaint will be provided in writing within 15 days of the receipt of the complaint.

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General Provisions

These sales terms define the procedure for ordering products or services, delivering them as well as complaints about services / products purchased through the Web Shop. Galaxy Travel Ltd. is a vendor of products or services through an interactive online service that is enabled through the Internet (Web site) (hereinafter referred to as the "Web Shop"). The customer of the product is the ultimate user of the Web Shop that selects a product, generates an order, and pays for a product or service.

Galaxy Travel Ltd. sells and delivers products (product or service) through the Web Shop in accordance with the terms and conditions below. By using and accessing the Web Shop, the purchaser or the visitor of the Web Shop (End-user) is deemed to have read and understood the Terms of Use, to be familiar with them and to comply with the terms and conditions set forth herein, and is consented to use the Web Shop in accordance with them.

In case of any ambiguity when purchasing products or services through the Web Shop, the end- user (Web Shop visitor) can contact the email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with their questions.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the reference point is a site that contains detailed product, service, conference, or event information.

The right to use the Galaxy Travel Ltd. Web Shop is not transferable to other physical or legal persons.

Galaxy Travel Ltd. does not warrant that the Web Shop and / or related sites will always be accessible and available. Information available in the Web Shop may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors and Galaxy Travel Ltd. does not warrant, expressly or impliedly, that the Web Content and / or related pages are complete or up-to-date and will not cause any damage to users, registered users, or third parties. Every user of the Web Shop (Customer) explicitly accepts the use of this Web Store at his or her sole discretion and shall be solely responsible for any costs associated with the maintenance or repair of computer equipment. Any warranty given on this site applies solely to the services or products provided by Galaxy Travel Ltd. who reserves the right at any time to update, modify or terminate the Web Shop and / or related sites, including, but not limited to, content, availability, as well as the equipment required to access or use the Site.

Galaxy Travel Ltd. is authorized to change the published information without prior notice and discontinue any part of the information type and to modify or terminate any method of transferring data as well as to change the data transfer rate and any other characteristics thereof. Galaxy Travel Ltd. may also, at any time without notice, make improvements and / or changes to the products / services described in this information. If the User (buyer) does not accept the Terms of Use, they are obliged to refrain from using the Web Shop and Galaxy Travel Ltd. reserves the right to revise the Terms of Use at any time as well as to terminate access to the Web Shop without prior notice.

Description and Price of Products or Services

The product or service being sold corresponds, to the fullest extent possible, to the description contained in the concerned service / product and we are not responsible for any possible printing mistakes.
The indicated charge price stated on the product or service page includes all taxes unless stated otherwise.

The price is expressed in EUR and HRK (fixed conversion rate EUR = 7,53450 HRK).

Galaxy Travel Ltd. reserves the right to change product / service description, pricing and conditions at any time.


Order Confirmation and Availability

To make the order correct you must follow the process that enables the Web Shop. Customer's order is accepted when Buyer receives Galaxy Travel's order confirmation via email. Receiving an email confirmation by Galaxy Travel starts the contractual relationship with which the buyer agrees.

If Galaxy Travel Ltd. is unable to deliver all the services or products, they will deliver the services / products that are available at that moment and notify the Customer by email.

Payment Methods

a. Transaction Account Payment:

Ordered products or services can be paid by money transfer to the bank account of the company Galaxy Travel Ltd.


Ulica kralja Zvonimira 101, 21000 Split, Croatia

Account: HR79 2360 0001 1023 9318 1



Trg Bana Josipa Jelacica 10, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

b. Payment by credit / debit card:

Payment via PayWay electronic billing system

All payments will be made in EUR. The credit amount charged on a customer's credit card has been converted to local currency at the rate of credit card company.


Security Statement

Payment and authorization of credit cards takes place via the T-Com PayWay system. T-Com PayWay applies state-of-the-art data protection standards - SecureSocketLayer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption and MD5 algorithm. The ISO 8583 protocol ensures that data exchange between the T-Com system and the credit card authorization centres is carried out in a private network, which is protected from the unauthorized access to a double layer of "firewall".



Products made available through the Web Shop can be paid on the following tabs:


Cancellation and Reclamation

The customer can make a cancellation and reclamation of products in accordance with legal requirements.

In case of events or conferences, you can cancel it up to seven business days prior to the start of the event or conference. In order to exercise your right of cancellation or complaint you must notify us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about your intention to cancel or complain. To cancel or complaint it is necessary to specify the type of service order or invoice number.

Data Privacy 

Galaxy Travel Ltd. will provide customer privacy protection by collecting only the essential, basic customer and end-user information required to meet our obligations. Only necessary information is needed to meet Galaxy's obligations. The buyer's obligation is that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date.

Collected buyer and customer information is only available to employees of the PayWay system as well as to Galaxy Travel Ltd. to whom such data are necessary for performing their job.

Galaxy travel Ltd does not collect and store card-related data (e.g., card number, verification code, etc.).

Obligations of the Buyer and the End-user

The buyer and end-user are solely and solely responsible for the use, maintenance, and cost of their computer equipment as well as the entire software installed on the computer. The same goes for the computer equipment and software of a third party, which the buyer uses when shopping in the Web Shop. Galaxy Travel Ltd. is not responsible for any damage to the customer's equipment that may result from the use of this Web Shop.

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The main purpose of this document is clarifying to air travel passengers the main common rules applicable to domestic and international air travel.

Although most airlines apply the rules described below, some discrepancies are possible and it is recommended that, when purchasing airline tickets for a selected airline, the passengers should check information about their rights and obligations, or conditions that apply to a specific trip.This document serves as an information to air travel users, is not binding for GALAXY TRAVEL and does not regulate the relationship between the user for whom the airplane ticket is bought through GALAXY TRAVEL and GALAXY TRAVEL itself.

GALAXY TRAVEL cannot be held responsible for airline company’s procedures or for any other possible participants in the airline business.



GALAXY TRAVEL Ltd. (IATA AGENT) - an agent authorized by the IATA organization for the sale of air transport to other individuals and legal entities

THE CARRIER - a company that cares for the carriage of persons, baggage, cargo, and mail based on tickets and luggage-sheets

DAYS - calendar days, including all seven days in a week

AGREED LANDING SITES - those places (except the place of departure and arrival) listed on the ticket or in the carrier's flight schedule as the regular stopping places on the passenger route

ECAA Agreement - Agreement on the European Common Aviation Area - Multilateral Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Iceland, the Republic of Montenegro, the Kingdom of Norway, Romania, the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Kosovo on the establishment of the European common Aviation area

ELECTRONIC TICKET - a receipt issued by the carrier or authorised agent on his behalf on the basis of which transportation of passengers and their luggage is carried. It consists of one or more electronic coupons and contains the passenger's name, flight information and other notices

ELECTRONIC COUPON - an electronic flight coupon or other securities contained in carrier's database

EMBARGO - prohibition of air transport for passengers and goods (or certain types of goods) for a limited time on the lines specified by the carrier

IATA - International Air Transport Association

EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES - exceptional and unforeseeable circumstances that could not be prevented, eliminated or avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Such circumstances are:

  • meteorological conditions that interfere with the performance of the flight (fog, snow, storm, ice, etc.)
  • security risks and outstanding issues that could affect flight safety (including technical problems in the aircraft, or similar problems at the airport, such as closure / restrictions on the use of the runway and the like.)
  • political instability (war, strike, civil unrest, clashes, curfew, etc.).
  • strike, which has an impact on the performance of air transport
  • decisions of the Civil Aviation Authority, or air traffic control

CONVENTION - any of these documents, which are applied to the contract of carriage:

  • Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, signed in Montreal on 28 May 1999 (Montreal Convention)
  • Convention for the equalization of the rules relating to International Carriage by Air, signed in Warsaw on 12 October 1929 (Warsaw Convention)
  • Hague Protocol amending the Warsaw Convention dated 28 September 1955
  • Additional Protocol amending the Warsaw Convention no. 1, Montreal, 1975
  • Additional Protocol amending the Warsaw Convention no. 2, Montreal, 1975
  • Additional Protocol amending the Warsaw Convention no. 4, Montreal, 1975
  • Supplementary Convention of Guadalajara; Guadalajara, 1961

AIR CARRIER CODE - the two characters or three letters which identify particular air carriers

BAGGAGE COUNTING SYSTEM - Shipping luggage according to the number of pieces that applies to certain carriers and destinations. There are restrictions concerning maximal dimensions and weight.

PLACE OF DEPARTURE - the place where according to the ticket or luggage list begins air transport of passengers and goods

DESTINATION - the place where according to the ticket or luggage list ends air transport of passengers and goods

AUTHORIZED AGENT - a passenger sales agent whom the carrier has authorized to represent him in the sale of its air services

ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL - expected time of an aircraft landing according to schedule

INTENDED DEPARTURE - time provided as the departure time of the aircraft according to schedule

FLIGHT TERMINATION - ending the flight in the landing or at any other place along the route

LUGGAGE supernumerary (excess baggage) - luggage that with its weight or number of pieces of baggage exceeds the allowed weight or number of pieces of luggage allowed in the baggage counting system

FARES - the sum of fees and all other fees, charges and taxes

LUGGAGE - personal belongings of passengers, which they carry with them on a trip. Unless otherwise specified, or otherwise arising out of context, this term includes checked baggage and hand luggage of passengers

CHECKED BAGGAGE - baggage which is submitted to the carrier to his immediate possession and for which the carrier has issued a Baggage Identification Tag 

BAGGAGE - those portions of the ticket which relate to the carriage of passengers' checked baggage

BAGGAGE IDENTIFICATION TAG - a document issued by Carrier solely for identification of checked baggage

TRAVELLER - any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be transported on an aircraft pursuant to a Ticket

REGULAR TRANSPORT - air transport, which takes place according to schedule

COMPLAINT - written request for compensation due to non-compliance with the contract of carriage by the operator

BOOKING - reservation of places in the aircraft for passengers, excess baggage, or the accommodation capacity for goods

HAND LUGGAGE - any passenger luggage different from checked baggage

DAMAGE to the luggage AND GOODS - damage to baggage / GOODS - change in the appearance of baggage / goods affected by physical or chemical action, in the case when the baggage / goods are completely devalued

TARIFFS - the amount charged by the carrier for the transportation service of passengers and luggage in a particular class of transportation under certain conditions on a specific line

TRANSFER AIRPORT - a place on the ticket / cargo list designated as the point at which the traveller passes from one line to another line of the same or a different carrier, or where the surrender of goods is done from one to another line of the same or different carrier

TRANSIT AIRPORT - a place that is not listed on the ticket / baggage check in the section in which the designated direction is marked

TERMS OF THE CONTRACT OF CARRIAGE - conditions governing the air transport of passengers, baggage and cargo in accordance with the Air transport order

JOINT TICKET - ticket issued to a passenger with another ticket, and together they make a unique document of the contract of carriage

VISA - approval for entry, stay, or transit through a country. The visa is usually granted by the diplomatic mission or consular post.

LAW - Law on Obligations and Proprietary Rights in Air Traffic (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 132/98, 63/08 and 134/09).

GROUND TRANSPORTATION - transport of passengers, baggage, and cargo that takes place between the city terminal and departure airport or transport of passengers by bus or train in the event of resolving irregularities in air transport.



1) General provisions

Conditions of Carriage for Passengers, luggage and goods (hereinafter referred to only as the "Terms") apply to the total regular and irregular domestic and international transport of passengers, baggage and cargo, which is performed by the carrier, including services associated with the traffic and transport, as well as the process of buying the ticket at IATA agent.

2) Free transport

If it comes to traffic or transport that is carried out free of charge, the carrier has the right to fully or partially exclude the validity of these Terms.



1) General provisions

The carrier will provide carriage only to the passenger named on the ticket, and a passenger may be required to produce appropriate identification. The ticket is not transferable.

The travel ticket always remains the property of the carrier who issued it.

2) The period of validity of the ticket

The ticket allows a passenger transport from place of departure to the place of destination with regard to the travel route and tariffs specified on the ticket. If by the conditions of the applicable tariff a short term is not determined, the ticket is valid for transportation in the period of one year from the date of the start of the journey, and if none of the coupons is used, one year from issuance of the ticket. Each flight coupon will be accepted for the day and flight for which a seat has been booked. If the carrier cannot provide to the passenger the previously reserved seat on the aircraft, or if it comes to flight cancellations during the period of the ticket validity, the validity of the ticket shall be extended to the deadline when the carrier is able to perform transportation.

3) The sequence of flight coupons and their use

The Ticket will not be accepted and will lose its validity if not all the coupons are used in the sequence of the ticket. 

The ticket a passenger has purchased is valid for transportation from point of departure, via agreed stops and transfer points, to the destinations stated on the ticket. The purchased ticket price is calculated based on the entire journey stated on the ticket. If the passenger wishes to change his travelling route, regarding this, he must contact in advance the carrier or authorised agent who issued the ticket. Ticket price for the new journey will be calculated again and the passenger will be given the option of accepting the new price or maintaining at his original journey. Should the passenger change his route without prior agreement with the carrier or authorised agent who issued the ticket, the carrier reserves the right to apply the correct fare for the passenger’s actual route and collect from the passenger any difference in price between the one paid by the traveller and the one applied to the changed route.

Many special fares are valid only on the dates and flights shown on the ticket, and can by no means change.

Each coupon will be accepted for carriage in the class of service that is therein, and the day and the flight for which a seat has been reserved.

4) Flight Interruption

Interruption of the flight is possible only if tariffs conditions allow. Interruption of the flight must be indicated on the ticket.



1) General provisions

Fares apply only for carriage from the departure airport to the incoming airport, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Fares do not include ground transport between airports and between airports and town terminals.

Applicable fares are those in effect on the date of payment of the ticket price in full. Should the passenger change his itinerary or dates of travel, this may affect the fare to be paid.

2) Payment of fare

The cost of the fare shall be reimbursed by cash or non-cash payment at the rate set by IATA agent.

3) Fees, taxes, and other payments

A passenger shall, in addition to the fare, pay other taxes and fees that apply to air transport, and which are established or imposed by the authorised state bodies or airport operator.

Since the taxes, fees, and charges on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date of issue of the ticket, the passenger may be required to pay additional fees, taxes, fees, or charges, even after the ticket was issued. Accordingly, if any tax, fee, or surcharge, which. on the date of issue of the ticket the passenger paid, is abolished or reduced, the customer will be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.

The passenger is required to inform themselves about possible exceptions, when the tax is levied for transport directly to the place of departure.



1) Booking preconditions

Booking places on the flight is conducted by an authorized agent free of charge.

Reservations are not confirmed until they were recorded by the carrier or its authorized agent and accepted by the carrier.

Certain fares have conditions, which limit or exclude passenger's right to change or cancel reservations.

2) The deadline for payment of the ticket

If a passenger ticket is not paid within the period specified for payment, the carrier may cancel the reservation. Agent has the right to cancel the reservation without notice if the traveller to the deadline set by the agent does not buy the placeholder ticket. In the case of payment by bank transfer, cash on account of the IATA agent must be delivered in a timely manner (before the expiry of the maximum period for issuing of the ticket).

3) Personal data

Traveller accepts that the personal data provided by the carrier or its authorized agent for purposes of making a reservation, purchasing the ticket, obtaining ancillary services, providing services, facilitating immigration and entry procedures, and making available such data to government agencies, in connection with traveller's journey. For these purposes, traveller authorizes the carrier to retain and use such data and to transmit them to their offices, authorized agents, government agencies, other carriers, or the providers of these services.
In accordance with EC Regulation 996/2010 carrier offers passengers, the opportunity to leave the name and address of the person to be contacted in case of an accident or incident on Croatia Airlines flights.

The carrier guarantees that these data shall not be used for any other purposes other than the above.

4) Allocation of seats in the aircraft

The carrier cannot for security or operational reasons ensure that the passenger will be allocated a place in an airplane. If the passenger does not board in the specified period, if he does not have all the necessary documents or is not able to make the flight, the carrier has the right to cancel a placeholder.

5) Cancellation

Non-use or cancellation of the placeholder may be charged certain fees under the conditions specified by the agent. It is in the interest of the passengers to get informed about the conditions of the tariffs before issuing the ticket.

If the passenger does not use booking, the carrier may cancel any one-way or return reservation.

6) Confirmation of booking

The carrier is entitled to require a booking confirmation on certain lines. If the traveller fails to do so by a certain deadline, the carrier has the right to cancel the reservation. The carrier shall inform the passengers in cases where required to confirm reservation, as well as on where and how the confirmation should be made. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in cancellation of any onward or return reservations.



Upon request of the IATA agent or air carrier employees or state authorities the traveller is required to prove its identity and enclose the appropriate travel documents before buying the ticket and boarding the aircraft. Each customer travelling across any international boundary is solely responsible for obtaining all necessary travel documents, including any required visas, and for complying with the laws of each country flown from (the departure country), through (any transit country) and into (the destination country). Agency’s general terms & conditions and the Croatian laws (and other regulations) will apply for the rights and obligations of parties under contract.

Agency’s general terms & conditions and the Croatian laws (and other regulations) will apply for the rights and obligations of parties under contract.

When buying the ticket the passenger must inform the airline through IATA agents about their health problems, which could complicate their transportation or negatively influence the course of the flight.

IATA agent recommends that due to the diseases of avian flu, SARS, Ebola, malaria and viral meningitis the passenger prior to the travel informs more detailed on the website of the World Health Organization (WHO) and collects information on possibilities of vaccination through the Croatian Institute for health insurance (CIHI) before going abroad, as well as on conditions of health insurance during their stay abroad.
The traveller is required to submit to a security check, which includes their checked and unchecked baggage.

According to current international regulations, a passenger must not include in their hand luggage weapons, ammunition, knives, toys that correspond to the actual lethal weapon (e.g., pistols, grenades) and other items of a similar nature. These items can be saved only as checked baggage. The carrier disclaims any responsibility for keeping these items. Substances of dangerous nature (explosives and ammunition, fuel, alkalis, compressed gases, poisons or toxic and infectious materials, oxidising substances, radioactive materials, magnetic materials and other dangerous goods) may be transported only under special transport conditions.

The passenger is obliged to consider the specificities of air transport and comply with the carrier warnings concerning primarily:

  • loading, gathering and movement in the premises set out for travellers,
  • entering and exiting the aircraft,
  • storing clothes and unchecked (hand) luggage on the plane.

The passenger is obliged to refrain from conduct that may endanger the safety and the operation of air transport, annoy or disturb other passengers or be a reason for their action, prevent the proper performance of the duties of the aircraft , damage carrier's property, refrain from excessive alcohol consumption on board.

The passenger is, furthermore obliged to:

  • access the boarding place and execution of all required formalities and boarding procedures promptly, no later than the time specified by the carrier, the Traveller is recommended to make such inquires with the carrier or its authorised agent
  • at the call of aircraft crew or seeing the sign on the flash panel during takeoff or landing, or during flight, to attach their belts
  • at request of aircraft crew to move to a specific seat, if it is necessary for operational reasons
  • comply with the order to ban smoking on all aircraft decks. Violations of the ban can be fined
  • during the flight not to use certain electronic devices and appliances that may adversely affect the functioning and operation of the aircraft electronic devices and gadgets. Violation of the same can be fined
  • it is necessary to undergo first aid if during the flight health problems appear, inform staff about personal and health data and submit to a medical examination
  • reimburse the carrier any compensation for the damage that the passenger caused or committed by their misconduct (e.g. the destruction of the aircraft interior, illegal carriage of dangerous animals, things, etc.)
  • during the flight follow the instructions given by the captain and the aircraft crew
  • subject to the prescribed safety examination carried out by the state administration authorities or authorized organizations
  • adjust their clothing and outward appearance to match the standards of air transport



The carrier shall ensure that passengers are aware of the location and operation of the following:

  • seat belts
  • emergency exit and devices that are intended for common use
  • life-jacket and the oxygen masks, if the use of these resources is provided for passengers
  • other equipment in the case of an emergency, intended for individual use

Passengers must be familiar with the rules on the prohibition of smoking and use of electronic devices on board the aircraft, breach of which may be punished by a fine.

If the need arises, the carrier shall inform passengers with emergency procedures that are appropriate for a given situation. The carrier is required to provide the ability for passengers to use safety belts during take-off, landing, turbulences and in any other case on call of the Captain of the aircraft, and is obliged to inform passengers about storing their stuff on the plane



1) General provisions

The carrier may refuse carriage of passengers:

  • if carriers' regulations regarding the flight execution specify so
  • if travellers violate the rules applicable to the country from which the aircraft takes off, in which lands or through which only passes
  • if a passenger is suffering from an infectious disease, which is to be reported in advance, if he suffers from a serious illness which sudden manifestation could adversely compromise the safety of passengers and the flight, or if a passenger is unable to take care of his mental and physical condition and has no escort with him that can provide the necessary care
  • if their behaviour disrupts transportation security or public order, or if he is not properly dressed
  • if there is a breach of any of the duties mentioned in Article 6, particularly considering the safety of air transport

2) The right of passengers to indemnification

Traveller, to whom was denied and limited transportation pursuant to paragraph 1. Preliminary provisions may be, as a compensation for not executed flight, returned the fare or its approximate portion that relates to the unrealised part of the flight or he may be offered an alternative transport with other aircraft or other forms of transport.



Acceptance for carriage of unaccompanied children, disabled persons, and persons with reduced mobility, pregnant women, persons with illness or other people requiring special assistance will be possible only based on prior notification and agreement with the carrier. Passengers with these difficulties, who informed the carrier of this, or any other special assistance, at the time of booking the ticket and were accepted by the carrier for their transportation, will not be rejected later based on these difficulties or special requirements.

Travelling of children unaccompanied by parents or legal guardian is sometimes subject to special requirements of the laws and regulations of the country to / from which to fly. It is the sole responsibility of parents or legal guardians to obtain all required documents and meet all such requirements.



1) General provisions

Luggage is transported as checked baggage and unchecked (hand luggage). The passenger is entitled to free transport of luggage to the further provisions of these Terms.

2) Checked baggage

The fully closed and locked suitcases or other luggage that can be closed tightly are received as checked baggage. With the consent of the carrier, other objects can also be included in transport. For luggage which the passenger submits to the carrier (checked baggage), he is given a baggage identification tag as a certificate of the takeover, which the passenger must keep in case of complaints. As checked baggage, it is also possible to transport food and small animals, according to the regulations set by the carrier. Each piece of luggage, which a passenger wants to submit, must be marked on the outside and inside by the identification mark featuring the passenger's name and the contact address at his destination (e.g. hotel address). The name indicated on the label must match the data on the ticket and other travel documents. Luggage, including one with zipper, must be locked, to prevent its opening during transport. The carrier is not responsible for luggage which is not taken immediately after landing. Checked baggage is transported in the storage area of the aircraft and typically the same aircraft as the passenger. If such transport is not possible, it will be achieved by the closest possible bond.
The transport of luggage and belongings, which could endanger the safety of the flight, persons or property and, further, luggage and things, that during the air transport could be significantly damaged or improperly packaged, the carrier may exclude from transportation before takeoff or at any time during the trip. The passenger is entitled to free transport of the registered luggage, which by its size, content and other characteristics must comply with the carrier's regulations.

3) Hand luggage

Hand luggage, which the passenger can take with them on the plane is determined by rules of each carrier, aircraft type and destination at which the journey is operated. The maximum size is the sum of the default maximum length, maximum width, and maximum depth. The carrier has the right to check the weight and dimensions of hand luggage.
Furthermore, the below-listed items for personal use, which the passenger has with him and he takes care about, are transported free of charge:

  • a small woman's purse
  • coat, scarf or blanket
  • umbrella or stick
  • camera, video camera, binoculars, a small personal computer or mobile phone
  • baskets for children and food for the child during the flight
  • glasses and orthopaedic devices for disabled passengers

A fully assembled vehicle for a disabled person, which is from accommodation reason stored in the storage area of the aircraft, is also transported free of charge.

4) Special types of baggage

Only with the prior consent of the carrier and under the conditions specified by the carrier it is possible to transport:

  • live animals, including birds and reptiles (transport is carried out under the responsibility of passengers, and only in those places where it is allowed by applicable regulations)

Transportation is carried out in the passenger section of the aircraft (in the cabin) or in the storage area

Besides the above mentioned, a dog following a person with impaired vision or hearing, and the dog intended to protect human life can be transported in an aircraft cabin free of charge. Dogs must be equipped with the leash, a muzzle, proof of vaccination, and other required documents

  • transport of weapons and ammunition: weapons of all kinds can be received in the air traffic only in those places where it is applicable under regulations allowed. Firearms must be unloaded with the safety catch and located exclusively in the storage area of the aircraft. Ammunition, which by its explosive properties, belongs in the so-called dangerous cargo can be transported under the terms of IATA manual for the transport of dangerous goods
  • carriage of diplomatic baggage is allowed to diplomatic couriers in the cabin of the aircraft

5) Overweight an excess luggage

When using so-called piece of baggage transport system, for each piece of luggage excess or for exceeding the size or weight of luggage firmly established fee is paid determined by the place of arrival, the carrier and the type of tariff.
Luggage on other lines, which has a weight greater than allowed, will be transported to the capacitive capabilities and the carrier will count its fare according to the weight given tax per 1 kg based on carrier's tariff.

6) Viewing luggage

In the presence of the passenger, the carrier may convince himself in the contents of his luggage. If a passenger is absent, the carrier has the right to open the luggage in the presence of at least one witness, who is not an employee of the carrier, if they find that it contains objects that are denied or the transportation of which requires special arrangements.

7) Unaccompanied baggage

Unaccompanied luggage transport is carried out by special regulations of the carrier.

8) Luggage with an announced value

The traveller has the opportunity to declare value of checked baggage larger than the value of the airline's liability under the assumption that the carrier determined the tariff conditions to that case.

9) Taking over checked baggage

  • traveller is obligated to take their baggage immediately after landing
  • luggage can take only the holder of the baggage check and identification pendant. The carrier is not required to determine whether the owner of the baggage check and identification pendant took luggage and is not responsible for loss, damage, or other expenses that would be incurred by the traveller in this regard
  • damage, not issuing or loss of baggage must be reported to the carrier immediately upon acceptance of the luggage, who must compose a record on this. Otherwise, it is assumed that the baggage was handed over in good condition
  • during a delayed damage reporting, the passenger must prove causal connection between the reported damage and the corresponding carriage



1)  Schedules

The carrier will seek to keep the published schedules in effect on the day of travel

The carrier may change the flight time, often for reasons beyond his control, and therefore the carrier cannot guarantee the times shown in timetables. The carrier will seek to inform passengers about changing flight times if they can contact them. If there are significant changes in the flight time after the passenger bought a ticket, and the new time does not suit the traveller, the passenger has the right to cancel the trip and request a refund for the ticket.

2) Irregularities in the air transport

a. From the particular reasons not depending on the carrier (for reasons of so-called ‘force majeure’, such as weather conditions, technical reasons that are not fault of the carrier, in the event of war, strike organizations performing the service, and the like) The carrier may postpone, cancel, terminate, divert flight, change type of aircraft or submit representation to another carrier, without bearing further responsibility, except the duties of providing transportation by other aircraft or other means of transport or returning the fares

b. If the flight is delayed, if delayed or cancelled or the type of aircraft is changed in circumstances that have arisen as a fault of the carrier, and the carrier is unable to provide the pre-confirmed place, the passenger cannot disembark on predetermined or final destination, or if circumstances affecting that the passenger is late on connecting flight, the carrier is required to:

  • transport the passengers by another regular service where there is a vacant space, or
  • redirect the passenger to his final destination stated on the ticket by its regular flight or another carrier's flight or provide ground transportation for passenger. If the cost of the fare, the cost of paying for excess baggage and other services associated with the changing times exceed the value of the price paid for the ticket or its part, the carrier will not require additional passenger fares or other fees and will pay the difference to the passenger if the passenger fares and fees for the changed direction are lower than those which the passenger has paid, or he will return fares in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and will not have any further liabilities to the passenger
  • provide the passenger with a confirmed reservation, whose boarding was denied because of the lack of vacant seats in the aircraft, the appropriate fee specified by regulations of the carrier

c. Carrier is not responsible for errors and omissions in timetables or other information received from employees or agents of the carrier on the time of departure or arrival and the aircraft traffic, except in cases where the carrier is aware that his conduct or omission will cause damage.



1) General provisions

Reimbursement or refund is made in accordance with the applicable rules of the fare or rate. Returning is done exclusively by IATA agent who released the ticket. The traveller is required, in their own interest, to inquire about fees before buying the ticket.
For reimbursement, the agent shall comply with the payment method. IATA Agent may require that the person seeking reimbursement submits the written request. In the event that the carrier cannot comply with the transport conditions specified by the contract of carriage, or when a customer asks to change some of the conditions of transport, IATA agent has the right, pursuant to an agreement with the carrier, to provide the passenger compensation for unused ticket or portion thereof. Agent IATA will provide compensation either to the person whose name appears on the ticket or the person who paid the ticket and provides proof of this. Refund to the person who has provided the necessary evidence of the effected payment and unused coupons for flight in terms of the above provisions is considered a valid return and relieves the IATA Agent of any liability or further rights on new return

2) Reimbursement for the reasons beyond the passenger's liability

Under the reimbursement on the ground that exclude any passenger's liability understands the reimbursement to the passenger who could not access the flight, for which he had purchased a ticket, and for the reasons for which the carrier is responsible.
Reimbursement is carried out as follows:

a. If the journey is not accomplished, the fare is returned in full amount,

b. If part of the journey is achieved, the approximate part of the fares is returned covering part of the flight from the point it was interrupted to the destination specified on the ticket. (The maximum possible return value is one-way fare at the part of the flight interruption.)

3) Reimbursement at the request of passengers

If a passenger requests reimbursement for reasons other than those mentioned in paragraph 2 of the article herein or requests the ticket or other document replacement, the IATA agent is authorized to access the collection of certain fees for services. Charges related to the average costs of travel documents, transfer fees associated with issuing and reservations, postal and telecommunication costs and expenses for accounting services associated with it.

Reimbursement is carried out according to these settings:

  1. In the case of requesting the return fare for a ticket that is completely unused, there will be returned the amount of the fare paid by the rules on the transport tariff, minus the fee for services
  2. In the case of requesting the return fare for a ticket that is partially used, there will be returned the amount corresponding to the difference between the fare paid and the fare for the journey for which the ticket has already been used, if the carrier's provisions do not specify otherwise, minus the service fee
  3. When requesting a refund for travel document which is not a ticket, fees for services are always charged
  4. When requesting the return fare with special types of tariffs for which different return conditions apply, the carrier shall act in accordance with these conditions

4) The deadline for submitting requests

Request for reimbursement for lost, unused, or partly used document or portion thereof must be submitted no later than 30 days after the expiry of the document value.

5) The right to refuse compensation

IATA Agent may refuse a refund:

after the expiry of documents and exceeding the deadline for submitting requests,

  1. If the return ticket was the condition of allowing entry
  2. If the document is stored in the database of suspicious documents



In accordance with the Law on Tourism, in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy of the Agency, the traveller already travelling, as well as other persons that paid a deposit for a travel should contact the Agency's insurance company as soon as possible (hereinafter referred to as Triglav osiguranje d.d.), referring to insurance police 990007072055 valid from 30.01.2023.



1) Passports, visas and other documents

  1. Each customer travelling across any international boundary is solely responsible for obtaining all necessary travel documents, including any required visas, and for complying with the laws of each country flown from (the departure country), through (any transit country) and into (the destination country). Agency’s general terms & conditions and the Croatian laws (and other regulations) will apply for the rights and obligations of parties under contract
  2. IATA agent is not liable for damages or expenses arising to the passenger from failure to follow the above duties
  3. IATA Agent is authorized to carry out control of all travel documents

2) Refusal of entry and extradition

The traveller is required to pay the carriage if carrier was ordered by the decision of the appropriate authorities to return the passenger to the place where he started or anywhere else. The carrier may use for a fee and fare previously unused travel documents. Fare paid to where the passenger was refused entry into the country or where he came to his extradition will not be compensated by the carrier.

3) Compensation of costs to the carrier

The traveller is required to the request of the carrier to compensate all the costs resulting from his non-compliance with the prescribed administrative provisions of the travel required in the countries they fly out, to which they fly, or through which he is transiting.

4) Customs inspection

The traveller is required to be present during the inspection of his submitted or carry-on baggage carried out by customs or other services. The carrier is not responsible for any damage or loss made to the passenger, which has emerged because of failure to meet these conditions.



Transportation by a carrier and other carriers under one ticket or in addition to the merged tickets is considered a single operation. When the carriage is performed by several carriers, each of them, who accepts passengers, luggage or goods, is considered a party to the contract of carriage under the applicable international agreements

During such transport passengers or their representatives may invoke the responsibility solely of the carrier who performed the carriage during which the event occurred that resulted in the right for damages with the exception of cases where the first carrier takes over responsibility for the entire contract journey.



1) General liability of the carrier is carried out

  1. In the internal air transport based on substantive law governing the Croatian transport and air transport
  2. In international air transport based on the Agreement for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air so-called Warsaw Convention art. 15/1935, in amendments to the Hague Protocol Article 15/1966

2) Limitation of liability of the carrier

Liability of the carrier in the spirit of the Warsaw Convention as amended by The Hague Protocol for damage resulting from death or injury to passengers is limited to the amount of 20,000. - USD, the amount of 58,000. - USD (75,000. - USD including legal costs) in the spirit of the Montreal agreement for flights to / from / via the USA and Canada.

3) Liability for Damage

  1. The carrier is solely liable for damage caused on his own line. The carrier that issued the ticket or boarded luggage on another carrier's line performs just as his agent
  2. The traveller has, nevertheless, the right to request compensation in case of checked baggage, from the first or last carrier.
  3. The carrier is not liable for damage caused to hand luggage or other items for which the care and keeping the passenger is in charge, with the exception of cases where the damage is the fault of the carrier or when the traveller lost the ability to take care of his luggage. If however damage was a common fault of the passenger and the carrier, they shall bear a shared responsibility with regard to their share in causing the damage.
  4. The carrier is liable up to the amount of actual damages, up to the limit of limiting his liabilities. The carrier is not liable for indirect damages or for loss of profit
  5. Carrier is responsible for loss or reduction which occurred during air transport by his fault
  6. Carrier is not liable for any damage, loss or damage caused by the natural way, the death of animals or animal behaviour, such as biting, kicking, stabbing or suffocation or animal wrong keeping, or animal inability to adapt to different conditions of air transport
  7. Carrier is not liable for damage to brittle and fragile items or perishable things, then is not responsible for loss of money, jewellery, precious metals, medicines, keys, video cameras, cameras and other electronic devices, bonds and securities or other valuables, business documents, passports and other identification documents, which are located in the passenger's checked baggage, with the knowledge or without the knowledge of the carrier. The carrier is not responsible for damage to passenger baggage caused by the contents of luggage
  8. In the case of transport passenger whose age, mental and physical condition is such that it is dangerous or risky for the person, the carrier shall not be liable for any illness, injury or disability, including death if the illness, injury, disability or death is a consequence of the status of such a person
  9. Limiting the liability of the carrier applies to all employees, agents and representatives of the carrier



1) The damage caused to health, hand luggage and other personal properties of the passenger shall be reported immediately to the carrier, who will draw up the record. During the delayed damage reporting, the passenger must prove the causal connection between the reported damage and the corresponding carriage. In the case of serious injuries carrier shall I report the damage.

2) Damage to checked baggage the passenger must immediately report to the carrier, no later than 7 days after acceptance of the luggage. Damage to the transport of goods is necessary to report immediately, no later than 14 days from its receipt. The complaint of responsibility for the delay must be submitted in writing within twenty-one days from the date on which the luggage or goods are handed over. It is necessary to file a complaint of non-delivery of the goods no later than 120 days from the day of issuance of the baggage check.

3) The right to compensation disappears after the expiration of 2 years from the landing to the place of destination or from the date on which the carriage was interrupted.



The valid Croatian legislation is applied in the resolution of all disputes arising under these General Terms and Conditions, and in charge to address them is the competent court in the Republic of Croatia.

The administrative supervision of the use of the Law on Providing Tourism Services and regulations issued under the Law on providing Tourism services is carried out by the Ministry of Tourism and Sport. The Inspection Supervision of the implementation of the Law on Providing Tourism Services and regulations issued under the Law on providing Tourism Services and individual acts, conditions and working methods of supervised legal and natural persons shall be conducted by the Ministry of Tourism and Sport - Independent sector tourist inspection, Prisavlje 14, 10 000 Zagreb according to the Law on providing Tourism Services.

These terms and conditions shall enter into force and apply as of 01.04.2018.


GALAXY TRAVEL LTD. , travel agency

Headquaters/Office: Ulica kralja Zvonimira 101, 21000 Split, Hrvatska

Tel : +385 21 571 535

Fax : +385 21 571 533

ID CODE HR-AB-21-060306956

IATA CODE 75-3 2183 1

Operations manager: Jadranka Reić

Airline tickets

Tel : +385 21 571 536


Cell : +385 91 2000 120
- Emergency number

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Other services

Tel : +385 21 571 534


Cell : +385 91 9070 699
- Emergency number

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

© 2025, Galaxy-Travel
